Ethereum Beacon Chain: Ankr’s Newest Blockchain RPC Endpoint

Kevin Dwyer

Kevin Dwyer

April 14, 2023

3 min read


Start querying the Beacon Chain with Ankr’s RPC connection and gateway to communicate with Ethereum’s consensus layer.

Ankr is excited to announce we have made an important addition to our RPC service for Ethereum! Users will be able to access the Ethereum Beacon Chain by using Premium RPCs to make request calls and receive information returns that are identical to the results they would get by running a Beacon Chain full node themselves.

What is the Ethereum Beacon Chain?

The Beacon Chain launched on December 1, 2020, and introduced a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism for Ethereum completed in The Merge upgrade on September 2022. As the backbone of Ethereum 2.0, the Beacon Chain is responsible for managing validation and enabling new updates like sharding. Now that the Beacon Chain is merged with the Ethereum mainnet, many developers need to access Beacon Chain nodes to read and write data on the chain.

Learn more about Beacon Chain.


What Are Ankr’s New Beacon Chain RPC Connections?

beacon screenshot.png

  • Ankr’s Beacon Chain RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) connect your wallet, command-line interface, or dApp with the Ethereum Beacon Chain. They act as a messenger or blockchain router that relays on-chain information between Beacon Chain nodes, dApps, and ultimately end-users so they can execute necessary blockchain interactions.

  • Ethereum Beacon Chain RPC endpoints are a gateway for developers to interface directly with the Ethereum Beacon Chain — a portal to communicate easily, remotely, and with no need to go through the DevOps of establishing their own Ethereum Beacon Chain nodes.

  • Ankr is providing a geo-distributed Ethereum Beacon Chain RPC comprised of blockchain nodes running worldwide for incredibly low-latency and reliable connections.

Get started now with Beacon Chain RPC endpoints!

How Do the Beacon Chain RPCs Help Developers?

Communication with the Beacon Chain is necessary for many developers in creating applications that can interact with Ethereum but requires access to the information on Beacon Chain nodes to do so. Therefore, Ankr’s RPC solves the following developer troubles:

Eliminates complex node ops: Ankr’s Beacon Chain RPCs will completely remove the need for many developers to set up their own Beacon Chain nodes, removing hours of time spent building, calibrating, and fixing node issues.

Grants access to advanced tools: Ankr’s Premium RPC Plan instantly grants access to the best tools to build applications quickly, including:

  • At least 1,500 Beacon Chain req/sec
  • Dedicated Beacon Chain endpoints
  • Prioritized requests
  • WebSockets (WS) capabilities

Powers apps and open-source software that need access to Beacon Chain: Connect with a cluster of high-performance nodes that holds the information you need to build and operate dApps with Beacon Chain chain capabilities.

Supports the Ethereum Network: Ankr will strengthen the Ethereum network globally by offering easier development and a broader, decentralized node infrastructure.


How to Make Your First Call to Beacon Chain

You can get started now by heading to Ankr’s RPC Service to make your first call! You can use the endpoint using your Premium plan and call the Ethereum Beacon Chain chain using the standard JSON RPC methods.

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