Delegated Staking
Ankr Validators

Stake with Ankr's validators

You may stake with our validators on a variety of different chains:

  • Avalanche
  • Binance
  • Celer
  • Fantom
  • MAP
  • Oasis
  • Polygon
  • Skale


To unstake with the Ankr's validators on Avalanche, follow these instructions (opens in a new tab) if you want to stake with Avalanche wallet or these instructions (opens in a new tab) if you want to stake with Core wallet.

The nodeIDs of our validators on Avalanche are:

  • NodeID-955GU1MqWL8yXAtoc8AsE7FNx4nGC9JyL
  • NodeID-NcZtrWEjPY7XDT5PHgZbwXLCW3LGBjxui
  • NodeID-9CnrQBBFSkE2Xzfcz3Tk1e8iauq8iNR88


To stake with the Ankr's validator on Binance Smart Chain, read this guide by Figment (opens in a new tab) and go to Ankr Labs' validator page on Binance (opens in a new tab).


To stake with the Ankr's validator on Celer, follow the Celer official guide (opens in a new tab) and find the Ankr validator on the Celer SGN Staking page (opens in a new tab).


To stake with the Ankr's validator on Fanrom, follow the Fantom official guide (opens in a new tab) and find the Ankr validator on the Fantom's fWallet Staking page (opens in a new tab).


To stake with the Ankr's validator on Mapo, follow the Mapo official guide (opens in a new tab) and find the Ankr validator on the Mapo's Staking page (opens in a new tab). Mapo also features a similar user guide as part of their staking landing page (opens in a new tab).


To stake with the Ankr's validators on Oasis, we suggest you use the Oasis Web Wallet (opens in a new tab) and follow the Staking Guide on Oasis blog (opens in a new tab), which sums up to:

  1. Simply navigate to the Staking or Escrow sections, and select a validator from the list.
  2. Delegate the preferred amount of ROSE tokens to one of the two Ankr validators.
  3. Potentially specify the gas price for the transaction.
  4. Confirm the staking transaction in your wallet.

For more information, read the official wallet creation guide (opens in a new tab) and discover more tools (opens in a new tab) to use for staking and delegation.


To stake with the Ankr's validator on Polygon, follow this staking guide (opens in a new tab) and find the Ankr Validator on the Polygon Staking page (opens in a new tab).


To stake with the Ankr's validators on Skale, follow the official delegation guide (opens in a new tab).