Liquid Staking

Avalanche Liquid Staking

What and why is Avalanche Liquid Staking?

Ankr Staking offers Avalanche token holders the opportunity to stake AVAX and in return claim Avalanche Liquid Staking tokens — ankrAVAX (ex-aAVAXc). ankrAVAX is a reward-bearing token, meaning that the fair value of 1 ankrAVAX token vs. AVAX increases over time as staking rewards accumulate inside the token.
ankrAVAX also offers instant liquidity for your staked AVAX, enabling you to connect ankrAVAX with DeFi platforms and earn several more layers of rewards.

We have made a separate testnet version of Avalanche Liquid Staking on Avalanche Fuji (opens in a new tab)!
Anybody interested to test Liquid Staking without spending mainnet AVAX, come and try it!

There are no more new stakes getting aAVAXb token. However, old stakes with aAVAXb keep generating you rewards. You can also switch aAVAXb for ankrAVAX now (opens in a new tab) (supply is limited).

Audit details

AVAX Liquid Staking smart contracts have undergone an external audit by Beosin Blockchain Security:

Smart contracts

For information on AVAX Liquid Staking smart contracts, visit AVAX development details.

Supported wallets

Avalanche Liquid Staking supports several options, including hot and cold wallets. View a complete list at Compatible wallets.


Market liquidity

aAVAXb is still tradable on the following Decentralized Exchanges on Avalanche network:

As we're seizing active support of aAVAXb, we suggest you switch aAVAXb for ankrAVAX now (opens in a new tab) (supply is limited).

ankrAVAX is tradable in Ankr DeFi (opens in a new tab).

Access Instant Liquidity Pools

  • Ankr token holders can gain access to instant liquidity pools. This allows them to sell 1 ankrAVAX against 1 AVAX instantly and subject to the instant liquidity pool capacity.
  • 3% of the allocated AVAX tokens to Ankr Staking will not be staked and will remain unstaked.
  • ankrAVAX holders indirectly bear the cost of the instant liquidity pool, which will represent 3% of the staking rewards due to the missed opportunity to stake AVAX. Therefore, the total cost for ankrAVAX holders will be the 10% technical service fee, plus 3% missed opportunity to stake AVAX, which equals 4.94% (no service fee applied to 3% instant liquidity pool).