Delegated Staking

Stake GNO token

To stake GNO, you'll need to:

  1. Purchase GNO on Ethereum.
  2. Bridge GNO to Gnosis.
  3. Connect your wallet at Ankr Staking.
  4. Stake GNO at Ankr.

Before you start

Ensure the following:


Visit one of the recommended DEXs (opens in a new tab) and swap your assets for the desired amount of GNO tokens.

You'll need a small amount of xDai the gas fee while staking GNO.

Bridge GNO to Gnosis Chain

Your obtained GNO is likely to be the Ethereum Mainnet GNO version. To use it on Gnosis, you'll need to bridge it to Gnosis Chain.

You're ready to stake your GNO on Ankr Staking.

Connect your wallet

  1. Visit Ankr Staking Dashboard (opens in a new tab). Connect wallet button
  2. Click Connect wallet in the top-right corner of the page. Connect wallet button
  3. Choose MetaMask. Connect wallet button
  4. If you have multiple accounts in MetaMask, choose an account to connect and click Next. Choose an account
  5. Click Connect and wait for a couple of moments till the connecting process is finished. Connect the account
  6. Successful connection to Ankr Staking is indicated at top right corner by the address of wallet you connected. Wallet connected
  7. If asked by Ankr Staking to switch networks, select a network of your choice. Select a supported network
  8. Click Switch network to confirm switching. Confirm switching networks

Stake GNO

We have made a separate testnet version of Gnosis Delegated Staking on Chiado (opens in a new tab)!
Anybody interested to test Liquid Staking without spending mainnet GNO, come and try it!

Your stake does not immediately gets staked on Gnosis. Gnosis accepts stakes with minimum 1 GNO. To bypass this and accept your stake if it's lower than 1 GNO, we created a micropool that accumulates user stakes. Once it has 1 GNO, we stake it with Gnosis.
Make sure you have some xDai to pay the gas fee for your staking transaction.

  1. Visit Ankr Staking (opens in a new tab).
  2. In the Delegated staking section, click Stake under GNO. Locate the GNO box
  3. Choose a Node Provider (currently only Ankr; more providers in future releases). Choose a Node Provider
  4. Enter the desired amount to stake and click Approve to allow Ankr Staking smart contracts to stake for you. Enter an amount and click Approve
  5. Set a spending cap in MetaMask. Set a spending cap
  6. Confirm your approval in MetaMask. Confirm your approval
  7. Click Stake to send your delegated stake to the chosen Node Provider.. Click Stake
  8. Confirm the staking transaction in MetaMask. Confirm staking transaction
  9. Click Go to dashboard to see the added token. You may need to wait a little for the transaction to finalize and Dashboard to automatically update. Click Go to dashboard

As for now, there is no separate reward-claiming mechanism. You get the staking rewards when you unstake GNO.